Biographies - Wim Kimmerer

Dr. Wim Kimmerer is a Research Professor of Biology at the Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies of San Francisco State University. He is an honorary Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences who studies how estuarine ecosystems function, with particular emphasis on human effects. For over 25 years he and his associates have conducted studies in the San Francisco estuary on effects of freshwater and tidal flow on habitat, abundance, and movement of plankton and fish; the influence of introduced species; and population dynamics, reproduction, growth, and mortality of fish and foodweb organisms. He has participated in modeling studies on topics, such as delta smelt population dynamics and hydrodynamics. He has served on numerous review or advisory boards, such as for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, 2008 Biological Opinion for delta smelt, Klamath River dam removal project, Delta Vision Task Force, Delta Risk Management Strategy, Delta Native Fishes Recovery Team, and the State Water Resources Control Board workshops on flow. He is especially proud to have been a co-founder, with Randy Brown and Fred Nichols, of the California Estuarine Research Society, an affiliate of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation.

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